“Mocaccino Gang” Ep. 2, page 17
Well, here you have the next page. This time I’m in charge alredy of everything and uploading all by myself.
I’m really sorry about the size, but there isn’t much I can do right now since this page and the next 2 ones are alredy drawn. For the new ones I’ll try to draw bigger panels and use a bigger size of text, and I won’t be using MangaStudio probably, because I don’t think I will make a printed version in the future.
As I promised I will finish this chapter and after that I will decide if I continue with this comic or not, or what will I do to be able to update on a regular basis. I’m really gratefull for the comments I’ve read in the chatbox so far, and I’m glad all of you like it or think the comic is funny ^^
For now… Enjoy boobies! xD
And abs…
Oh, she looks just lovely. Both sexier and more realistic than most scantily-clad heroines in superhero comics.
An entertaining comic so far. Quite enjoying Ship and Pepper too. Keep it up Prettio!
It’s been two months since you’ve posted. Please don’t tell me you’re giving up on it already!
Yes, sadly. I don’t have time to continue working on it, and it’s not giving me any money at the moment… And almost nobody has been commenting or giving me any feedback during these months. So by the moment it’s on hiatus.
Sorry just found this story, it is super sexy and great but one question were is page 34? does not seem to be here.
Please Continue this ist awesome
Check out today’s blog to find out how we will accomplish this.
I reales like the draw Stile on this (Sorry For my Bad englisch ) the Most Comics Arendt very good drawn bunt i Love this one
Oddly, I’ve been under a lot of stress lately, and I’ve been managing it by working out almost daily.
The art is good and while I’m willing to bet English isn’t your first language, it isn’t that hard to figure out what you mean. In fact my only complaint is that the text is sometimes rather small.